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 FRIDAY, May 12th; 11:30pm to 3:30am

in April 2023 to attend!

2023 Post Prom Planning Meeting:  Contact us if you'd like to join the team! Email!


How do I register for Post Prom 2023? We are using Eventbrite to manager our tickets. Tickets are completely FREE but we ask that you register ahead of time so we know how many students to prepare food and have plenty of prizes!  You can register for this years Post Prom here.


Post Prom: what, where, when and why:
The PHS PTSA Post Prom will be held at the High School this year.  We will provide a safe, alcohol-free event for students, filled with lots of activities, entertainment, food, and raffle prizes that help them avoid the temptation and consequences of underage drinking at this high-risk time.  Find out more about the Food, Fun & Prizes we have planned to make this a memorable night for all of our PHS Post Prom attendees!


Who may attend Post Prom 2023?

Students that are current Juniors and Seniors at Poolesville HS may attend, regardless of whether they are attending prom.  Freshman and Sophomores from PHS may ONLY attend Post Prom if they have a ticket for attending prom as the guest of a Junior or Senior from PHS.  Outside guests, under 21, that do not attend PHS are only permitted if they have been approved by the Administration to attend prom. No exceptions will be made.
How do kids get from Prom to Post Prom?
Students may park or be dropped off at the school. However, they will not be permitted to access their cars during the event.  Students who leave will not be permitted to return to the event. 

Can I bring my backpack into the Post Prom?
There will be a parent-run bag check at the PHS Post Prom, but PHS PTSA is not responsible for lost or stolen items. All bags, backpacks, etc. will be checked by our security team upon arrival.  But really no bags will be needed at the event.

I want to volunteer, how do I find out what is needed?
If you are interested in helping with fundraising, decorating or planning the Post Prom, please contact the Post Prom Committee at  You can also check out our How Can I Help page for more information on opportunities to contribute to making this event a success. Check out our current Volunteer Sign Ups.   

My Junior/Senior does not want me to be at Post Prom, but I want to volunteer! 
Explain to your Junior/Senior that Post Prom depends on the volunteer efforts of PHS parents.  You will be busy as will your teen and there will be so many people that your Junior/Senior may only catch a glimpse of you, if at all. There are many other ways to get involved and help other than helping on that night! You can also check out our How Can I Help page for more information on opportunities to contribute to making this event a success.

My Junior/Senior wants to host a separate party.  What do I do?
Have a breakfast after the Post Prom.  The kids can go to your house after Post Prom, eat, talk and sleep the rest of Saturday away! 


Are there county rules about hosting parties for teens?

Yes. Alex and Calvin's Law was passed by the Governor in May of 2016.  You can read more about the laws passage in this Washington Post article. Also, the Montgomery County Keeping it SAFE: Under Twenty-One Alcohol Prevention Coalition partners with MCPD and other community organizations to keep students safe and making smart decisions about drugs and alcohol. 

What if my Junior/Senior needs to take a date home early or pick up a friend, can he or she return to Post Prom?
No.  Once a student leaves the Post Prom, he or she MAY NOT return.  This policy, although harsh, is absolutely necessary to keep all of our kids safe.  If your Junior/Senior would like to stay at Post Prom longer than his or her date, it is better to prearrange a ride home for the date.  There are no exceptions to this rule. If a student leaves something important in their car, they will be escorted by security/administrator to retrieve their belongings.  

Why is PHS having a Post Prom? 

To provide an exciting party for our students allowing them to celebrate after the Prom in a safe environment, keeping them off of the roads and away from negative forms of entertainment.   According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than half of all fatal traffic crashes on typical prom and graduation weekends involve alcohol.  We are committed to providing all Prom going juniors and seniors with a safe, supervised, and fun-filled all night celebration.  Our most important goal is to prevent losing our teens to the deadly mix of drugs, alcohol, and impaired driving at such a special time in their livesOur Post Prom is being coordinated with information from the Montgomery County Project Prom/Graduation Coalition.  This pdf from the Virginia Department of Education gives important information about the value and importance of Post Prom events.


Didn't find the answer you were looking for? 

Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information

PHS 2023
Post Prom Committee

Please contact us at with any questions.


  • Post Prom Chair: Jacqueline Zuranksi, Lynn Schaeber

  • Post Prom Student Chair: TBD

  • Substance Abuse Awareness Campaign Coordinator:TBD

  • Fundraising Committee: Lynn Schaeber

  • Food Committee: TBD

  • Raffle & Prize Committee: TBD

  • Volunteer Committee: TBD


© 2024 by Poolesville High School PTSA.  Proudly created with

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